Cue the sick jazz


For someone who's definately not referencing any other IP when making this project, you'd think I'd keep track of dates better? I'm only vaguely aware that March is approaching and that's a big one lmao.

NEW UPDATE TIME! And almost all of the work was just formatting, booo. That's not even fun to show off on twitch, it's just me hitting enter and space randomly and then swearing about it. But changes needed to be made and they are as follows:

-Switched from Landscape to Portrait

-Changed main text font to Verdana for readability

-Reworded Playbooks to include dedicated "Gimmick" sections for those that have them

-Added language to properly refer to "Stuff" as "Tools"

-Added a section detailing the definition of Items and Tools as well as explained how and when they are to be used

We've recently started playtesting this game, and the feedback from that has been pretty damn helpful! I'm finding that my perception of ttrpg differs from how others experience them, and that disconnect has resulted in me missing some pretty obvious stuff. I'm hoping as development continues, I'll learn to be more aware of such things before presenting my work to the public.

NEXT MAJOR UPDATE WILL CONTAIN- Proper Power Up rules and MAYBE some actual character art. I don't THINK any major content needs to be added to the book, but expansion of what's there most likely will happen as the playtests advance. The second document, "Bing Bing Bonus", is slowly filling up with ideas and half-written sections for additional rules, but that won't get my full attention until I can consider THIS document "done enough." However long that will take is anyone's guess.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a cat suit to don and a turtle to fistfight.


bingbingwahoo1-03.pdf 1 MB
Feb 12, 2021

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